by Charlotte Guenin | Jun 20, 2023 | Documentaries
CAMOPI ONE A documentary by Laure Subreville – 53′ Camopi One is an island documentary at the crossroads of borders. In Camopi, a village in French Guiana opposite Brazil, only accessible by the Oyapock River, the low, thick and piercing sounds of tule...
by Lea | Apr 12, 2023 | Documentaries
TELL ME ABOUT LOVE A documentary by Laure Subreville Their names are Yvette, Claude, Danny and Jean Claude. They all live in an EPHAD in the Arcachon region and let time pass between sleep, meals and various activities. During a choral singing residency, they are all...
by Charlotte Guenin | Nov 22, 2020 | Documentaries
IN THE NAME OF THE LAW, I RELEASE YOU A documentary by Nathalie Plicot – 52′ The film follows the daily lives of former inmates, three of whom have spent more than thirty years in prison. It also questions those who, within the association Station BTT,...