by Lea | Sep 15, 2024 | Documentaries, Non classé
THE LAST SLAVE SHIP Un long-métrage documentaire de Fabienne Kanor On the reddish-ochre beach of Ouidah, metres of construction fences line up. Once a place of deportation to the New World for thousands of chained Africans, the historic town is now undergoing a major...
by Lea | Dec 12, 2023 | Documentaries
SUPERNATURAL A feature-length documentary by Ventura Durall Mathurin, a medical doctor based in the United States, has become the polar opposite of his father, André Malby, a Spanish media personality shrouded in mystery and controversy, who claims to have cured...
by Lea | Oct 17, 2023 | N & E, News & Events, News and events
THE LOVES OF ÆNEAS : Screenings Once again this year, the Festival International du Film Indépendant de Bordeaux (FIFIB) and the FRAC (MÉCA) have joined forces to offer a program highlighting the practice of film making in the visual arts. Among the films programmed...
by Lea | Jun 23, 2023 | N & E, News & Events, News and events
THEATRICAL RELEASE OF THE WITCH AND THE MARTIAN The Witch and the Martian by Thomas Bardinet produced by Massala and ABCDEFloirac and distributed by D.H.R. distribution A Vif cinémas was released in cinemas on 21 June 2023. “A passionate eulogy of the...
by Lea | Apr 12, 2023 | N & E, News & Events
PRESS : THE WACKOS From Sunday February 26 to Friday March 3, 2023 took place in Bordeaux the shooting of the short film The Wackos directed by Thomas Bardinet and produced by Massala. “Director and screenwriter of “Nino (an imaginary adolescence of Nino...