by Charlotte Guenin | Oct 1, 2023 | Fictions
MA-CRY OF SILENCE A feature film by The Maw Naing Mi-Thet, a young Burmese woman who works in a clothing factory, faces an urgent strike organized by her colleagues, which reminds her of her deep trauma. But now that she has learned what has been going on in her...
by Charlotte Guenin | Oct 1, 2023 | Documentaries
LEW A feature-length documentary by Catherine Ulmer Lopez The life of Lew Zuchman, once a member of organized crime, civil rights activist and now director of an organisation that looks after challenged youth in East Harlem, is a story of America. In development With...
by Charlotte Guenin | Jul 3, 2023 | Documentaries
FUCKING RABBIT ! A feature-length documentary by Catherine Ulmer Lopez – 82′ Fucking rabbit means we are here, we assume who we are, what we are. It is the result of nearly two years of work together between the student actors of the 5th year of Éstba and...
by Charlotte Guenin | Jun 20, 2023 | Documentaries
CAMOPI ONE A documentary by Laure Subreville – 53′ Camopi One is an island documentary at the crossroads of borders. In Camopi, a village in French Guiana opposite Brazil, only accessible by the Oyapock River, the low, thick and piercing sounds of tule...
by Charlotte Guenin | Sep 17, 2021 | Fictions
THE WITCH AND THE MARTIAN A feature film by Thomas Bardinet – 77′ Myriam, an orphan, learns that she will change her foster family. She is often mocked for her naivety, but this candour allows her to see what others do not see: talking animals or even...